
Outline of courses at the Beginners level.

Beginners Sanskrit

Beginners Sanskrit is the first of four levels for which tuition is available and is comprised of three courses, each of which may be taken separately. Beginners Sanskrit 1 is aimed at the learner who has no existing knowledge of the language. It begins by focusing on the sound system, using the Roman alphabet (International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration). This allows the learner to become gently accustomed to the Devanāgarī writing system.  The emphasis is on accurate pronunciation and on exploring key linguistic terms and concepts in learning Sanskrit. Grammatical analysis is restricted to the noun (declension).

Having gained the confidence to look at sentences in transliterated Sanskrit, the learner progresses to Beginners Sanskrit 2, where further work is undertaken on the Devanāgarī and the verb is formally introduced (conjugation). Three text passages are presented in simplified Sanskrit, allowing the learner to gain a firmer grasp on how the language works. Beginners Sanskrit 3 expands on declension and conjugation whilst developing pronunciation and reading skills and promoting the acquisition of a working vocabulary. The IAST is used throughout, giving the learner security whilst adjusting to the Devanāgarī.     

Beginners Sanskrit 1


Biltoo, A. K. (2021) First Steps Towards Sanskrit.

Weekly topics:

1.        Sanskrit and English: IE languages

2.        The sound system: consonants

3.        The sound system: vowels

4.        Additional signs and symbols

5.        Investigating the Devanāgarī

6.        Pronunciation and word building

7.        The noun: stems in -a

8.        From words to sentences (i)

9.        From words to sentences (ii)

10.    Overview and consolidation

Beginners Sanskrit 2


Biltoo, A. K. (2021) First Steps Towards Sanskrit.

Weekly topics:

1.        Review of the sound system

2.        Devanāgarī reading practice

3.        Conjunct consonants

4.        The present tense and imperfect

5.        First text in Sanskrit (i)

6.        First text in Sanskrit (ii)

7.        The gerund

8.        Declension: stems in -ā

9.        Team quiz

10.    Overview and consolidation

Beginners Sanskrit 3


Biltoo, A. K. (2021) First Steps Towards Sanskrit.

Weekly topics:

1.        The philosophical nature of tat

2.        The declension of tat

3.        Reviewing the verb: vowel mutation

4.        Sound changes: visarga sandhi

5.        The past passive participle

6.        Reading and grammar practice (i)

7.        Reading and grammar practice (ii)

8.        Further declension: stems in

9.        The demonstrative idam

10.    Overview and consolidation

Contact Anil for more information or to book a course.