About the Courses

About the Courses

(10 good reasons for studying Sanskrit with Anil)

1.    Sanskrit is taught in a context in which it is relevant and engaging - and approachable.

2.    The courses are accessible to those who may not have studied another language before.

3. There is a high degree of pastoral care for participants who require additional support.

4.    The courses have been specially designed to allow participants to progress confidently.

5.    Learning materials are exceptionally rich and are an important complement to sessions.

6.    Participants have access to an online forum, promoting a vibrant learning environment.

7.    Sessions are recorded and posted to the forum in case participants have to miss sessions.

8.    Courses go ahead with four people, unlike any language courses offered by universities.

9.    Courses are capped at ten participants, allowing for good input and healthy interaction.

10.  Fees have been kept low; there are no additional costs other than the relevant textbook.   

The following links provide you with information about your teacher, which courses are available, how much they cost, what they contain, when they are offered and how to book a place. Student testimonials will give you an insight into what it is like to study Sanskrit with Anil:

- About Anil

- Courses Available (incl. Fees)

- Beginners

- Elementary

- Pre-Intermediate

- Timetable

- How to Apply

- Student Testimonials

For all queries, please e-mail Dr Anil Biltoo here.